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middle java developer with big data

Java, Amazon Web Services, Big Data, Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Spark

We are seeking a skilled Middle Java Developer with a knack for Big Data to be part of our remote team. In this role, your task will involve working on an exciting project merging conventional Java engineering with APIs, AWS, and more, all within the Big Data domain. You’ll be utilising the most recent technology stack, including Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, and Apache Spark, to create high-performance systems that process and analyse vast quantities of data.

  • Sketch, create, and maintain high-performance Java applications that process and analyse colossal volumes of data
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to formulate and implement software solutions catering to the needs of our clients
  • Head complex and vaguely defined projects, offering mentorship and direction to junior engineers
  • Constantly liaise with tech leadership within the organisation to guarantee alignment on project goals and timelines
  • Consistently boost the quality of our software by applying best practices for testing, code reviews, and documentation
  • A minimum of 2 years of experience in Java software development
  • Hands-on experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for cloud computing
  • Solid understanding of Big Data technologies, including Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, and Apache Spark
  • Experience with data processing and analysis using Java
  • Profound knowledge of software development best practices, which includes Agile methodologies and code reviews
  • Strong verbal and written English communication skills at a B2 level

These jobs are for you

beneficios por ubicaciones

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Tiempo libre remunerado

Días de licencia por enfermedad remunerados

Seguro médico

Ingreso estable

Subsidio de almuerzo

Bonos para celebraciones de días festivos

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Trabajo remoto permanente

Software con licencia gratuita

Carga de trabajo estable

Oportunidades de reubicación

Modelos de participación flexibles

Para tu crecimiento

Capacitación gratuita en habilidades técnicas y blandas

Acceso gratuito a la plataforma de aprendizaje de LinkedIn

Cursos de idiomas

Acceso gratuito a bibliotecas electrónicas internas y externas

Oportunidades de certificación

Servicio de asesoramiento de habilidades

suscríbete a nuestros vacantesMantente al día con nuestras posiciones abierta para ingenieros en Control de Calidad, DevOps, Analista de Negocios y mucho más
hombre sonriente
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