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.NET Full Stack Developer Jobs

EPAM Anywhere is looking for .NET Full Stack developers.


Competitive compensation

We back all payments and operate in compliance with country-specific labor regulations. Your annual paycheck can range from $15k to $200k.


Numerous benefits

Make use of 1,500+ online and location-specific benefits across 30+ countries that also include healthcare and sports programs for you and your family.


Limitless career growth opportunities

Get access to a large-scale ecosystem that consists of educational and career development services created for your growth. A personal skill advisor will support you on each step of this journey.

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ASP.NET, Angular, C#


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for a highly skilled remote Senior Full Stack Developer with expertise in .NET to join our team.


Angular, Microsoft Azure


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior .NET Full Stack Developer to join our remote team.


ASP.NET, Angular, C#


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a Senior Full Stack .NET Developer to work on a challenging project implementing a new search service.


Angular, Amazon Web Services, ASP.NET Web API


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for a highly skilled Senior .NET Full Stack Developer to join our development team.


Angular, C#, Object-oriented Programming


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Colombia, Mexico
Colombia, Mexico
We are currently searching for a Lead .NET Full Stack Developer to join our team remotely.


Angular, C#, Object-oriented Programming


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Colombia, Mexico
Colombia, Mexico
We are looking for a Senior .NET Full Stack Developer to join our team remotely.


C#, Entity Framework, Angular


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for a remote Senior .NET Developer to join our dynamic team, responsible for the maintenance and development of various applications.


Amazon Web Services, SQL, MS SQL.SQL


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for a remote Senior .NET Full Stack Developer with AWS experience to join our team.


Amazon Web Services, SQL


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for an experienced remote Senior Full Stack Developer with expertise in .NET Core, AngularJS, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to join our team.


Algorithms & Data structures, Docker, ReactJS


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Brazil, Colombia
Brazil, Colombia
We are on the lookout for a Senior Full Stack Developer with AWS experience to join our remote team.

.NET Full Stack Developer jobs at EPAM Anywhere

A .NET Full Stack Developer job involves a multifaceted role within the software development domain, focusing on both front-end and back-end development tasks using Microsoft's .NET technologies. These professionals are adept at handling the entire spectrum of application development, from user interface design to server-side programming, database management, and application deployment, all within the .NET ecosystem.

A .NET Full Stack Developer is a technologist who possesses a comprehensive understanding of the various layers of software development and is proficient in using the .NET framework to build and maintain robust, scalable, and efficient applications. This role entails working with technologies such as C#, .NET Core/Framework, ASP.NET for web application development, front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with frameworks like Angular or React for crafting dynamic user interfaces. Furthermore, these developers are skilled in database technologies, both SQL (e.g., MS SQL Server) and NoSQL, and are familiar with cloud services, security practices, and the latest development methodologies like Agile and DevOps.

The .NET Framework stands as a versatile and comprehensive platform developed by Microsoft, enabling developers to create applications that run across various devices and environments. It supports multiple programming languages and offers extensive libraries and APIs for building everything from simple desktop applications to complex web services and rich internet applications.

Understanding Job Requirements

For aspiring .NET Full Stack Developers, understanding the job requirements is crucial for aligning one's skills and experiences with the expectations of potential employers. Here's a breakdown of the typical requirements for a .NET Full Stack Developer position.

Educational Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or related fields. This foundational education provides the theoretical underpinnings of computer science principles and software development practices.

  • Relevant Coursework: Courses in software development, programming languages, database management, web development, and computer systems are particularly relevant. Advanced degrees or specializations can be advantageous for more senior roles.

Professional Certifications

  • Microsoft certifications: Certifications such as the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate or the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) can significantly enhance a candidate's profile by demonstrating expertise in .NET and related technologies.

  • Agile and Scrum certifications: Certifications in Agile methodologies, such as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or SAFe Agilist, are beneficial for understanding and participating in Agile project management processes.

Essential Technical Skills

  • Front-End technologies:

    • Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create interactive and responsive user interfaces.

    • Experience with front-end frameworks and libraries such as Angular, React, or Vue.js to streamline and enhance front-end development.

  • Back-End technologies:

    • Strong command of C# and .NET Core/Framework for server-side logic and application development.

    • Familiarity with ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Web API for building web applications and services.

  • Database management:

    • Knowledge of database technologies such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or NoSQL databases like MongoDB, and the ability to design, query, and manage databases effectively.

    • Understanding of Entity Framework for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to facilitate data manipulation and retrieval.

  • DevOps and Agile methodologies:

    • Experience with DevOps tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, or GitLab for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices.

    • Knowledge of Agile development methodologies and the ability to work in fast-paced, iterative development cycles.

Soft Skills and Competencies

  • Problem-solving skills: The ability to think analytically and solve complex software development issues is crucial.

  • Communication Skills: Effective communication, both verbal and written, is essential for collaborating with team members, stakeholders, and clients.

  • Adaptability: The tech field is constantly evolving, so being able to learn and adapt to new technologies and methodologies is vital.

  • Teamwork: Success in this role often depends on the ability to work well within a team, understanding different perspectives and contributing to a collaborative environment.

  • Time Management: Managing time effectively, juggling multiple tasks, and meeting deadlines are critical in fast-paced development projects.

Understanding these requirements is the first step towards a successful career as a .NET Full Stack Developer. Tailoring your learning and development efforts towards these areas can significantly increase your employability and career growth prospects in this dynamic field.

Roles and Responsibilities

A .NET Full Stack Developer plays a pivotal role in the lifecycle of software development, from conceptualization to deployment. Their responsibilities encompass a wide array of tasks that ensure the delivery of high-quality, user-centric, and scalable applications.

Designing user interfaces and user experiences (UI/UX)

  • UI design: Create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with frameworks such as Angular or React. This involves translating design wireframes into functional web components.

  • UX considerations: Focus on the user experience aspects by understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations. This includes optimizing navigation, workflow, and accessibility to enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Developing and integrating APIs

  • API development: Develop robust and secure RESTful or GraphQL APIs using .NET technologies to facilitate communication between the client-side and server-side components of the application.

  • Integration: Integrate third-party APIs and services (such as payment gateways, social media services, or other web services) to add functionality and improve the application's capabilities.

Ensuring responsive and scalable applications

  • Responsive design: Ensure applications are responsive and function seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Scalability: Architect and develop applications with scalability in mind, employing best practices and design patterns that allow for easy expansion and maintenance as user load and functionalities increase.

Collaborating with cross-functional teams

  • Teamwork: Work closely with project managers, UX/UI designers, quality assurance testers, and other developers to ensure projects are aligned with client needs and organizational goals.

  • Communication: Effectively communicate technical constraints, project statuses, and proposals to non-technical team members and stakeholders to ensure a cohesive and collaborative project environment.

Application testing and deployment

  • Testing: Implement comprehensive testing strategies, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing, to identify and fix bugs, ensuring the reliability and stability of applications.

  • Deployment: Oversee the deployment process, utilizing CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment to production environments. Monitor application performance and address any post-deployment issues.

A .NET Full Stack Developer must juggle these roles and responsibilities adeptly, ensuring that all aspects of the application—from the user interface to the underlying infrastructure—are optimized for performance, usability, and scalability. This holistic approach to development not only ensures the delivery of comprehensive solutions but also contributes to the developer's growth and versatility in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Technical Skills and Expertise

The technical landscape for a .NET Full Stack Developer is diverse, requiring a blend of programming languages, frameworks, database management, cloud services, and version control systems. Mastery in these areas is crucial for developing robust, scalable, and efficient applications.

Mastery of C# and .NET Core/Framework

  • C# proficiency: Deep understanding of C#, Microsoft's versatile programming language, is essential. This includes knowledge of its syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.

  • .NET Core/Framework: Expertise in .NET Core, a cross-platform framework for building modern, cloud-based, internet-connected applications, and .NET Framework for Windows-based applications. This involves familiarity with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, and the .NET Standard Library for building and managing applications across multiple platforms.

Proficiency in Front-End Frameworks (Angular, React, Vue.js)

  • Angular: Knowledge of Angular, a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Understanding of Angular components, services, and modules is important for dynamic application development.

  • React: Proficiency in React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications where data reflects in real-time. This includes understanding JSX, components, state, and props.

  • Vue.js: Familiarity with Vue.js, an approachable, versatile, and performant JavaScript framework for building UIs and single-page applications. Knowledge of Vue components, directives, and the Vue CLI can enhance front-end development capabilities.

Working with SQL and NoSQL databases

  • SQL databases: Experience with SQL databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL. This includes designing database schemas, writing SQL queries, and implementing transactions and security measures.

  • NoSQL databases: Understanding of NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cosmos DB, or Cassandra, which are useful for scenarios requiring high scalability or dealing with large volumes of unstructured data. Skills include database design, querying, and data modeling according to the application's requirements.

Familiarity with Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud Platform

  • Cloud services: Knowledge of cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is crucial for deploying, managing, and scaling applications. This includes services for computing, storage, databases, and security.

  • Cloud-native technologies: Understanding of cloud-native technologies, including containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes, serverless architectures, and microservices patterns.

Version control systems: Git and SVN

  • Git: Proficiency in Git, the most widely used modern version control system, is essential for tracking changes in source code during software development. Skills include branching, merging, pull requests, and conflict resolution.

  • SVN: Familiarity with Subversion (SVN), an alternative version control system, can be beneficial, particularly in environments where it's the established VCS. Understanding of SVN's centralized model, repository structure, and commit strategies is valuable.

A .NET Full Stack Developer's expertise in these technical areas forms the backbone of their ability to design, develop, and deploy comprehensive software solutions. Staying updated with the latest advancements in these technologies is key to maintaining a competitive edge in the field.

Career path and progression

The career trajectory for a .NET Full Stack Developer encompasses a range of roles from entry-level positions to senior leadership roles. Progression in this field is marked by an increase in technical skills, leadership responsibilities, and contributions to strategic decision-making.

Entry-level positions

  • Junior .NET developer: Focuses on learning the basics of .NET development, including C#, .NET Framework/Core, and simple front-end technologies. Responsibilities might include bug fixes, writing small modules, and assisting in UI design under supervision.

  • Associate software engineer: Works on more defined projects with guidance, gaining experience in full-stack development processes, including database management, basic API development, and front-end integration.

At the entry-level, the focus is on foundational skill-building, understanding the software development lifecycle, and becoming proficient in coding standards and practices.

Mid-level roles and responsibilities

  • .NET Full Stack Developer: Takes on complete ownership of application components, designs and develops complex features, and integrates front-end and back-end systems. Expected to mentor junior developers and contribute to design discussions.

  • Software Architect/Lead Developer: Responsible for architectural decisions, leading project segments, or small teams. Involves in-depth knowledge of best practices, performance optimization, and security measures.

Mid-level professionals are expected to demonstrate a deeper understanding of .NET technologies, contribute to architectural design, and handle more complex aspects of application development.

Senior-level leadership and expertise

  • Senior .NET Full Stack Developer: Leads major projects, tackles the most challenging development tasks, and sets coding standards. They might specialize in areas like cloud services, data security, or advanced front-end frameworks.

  • Technical Lead/Project Manager: Oversees technical teams, manages project timelines and deliverables, and liaises between the technical team and stakeholders. Responsible for strategic planning and ensuring alignment with business goals.

  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)/Senior Architect: Involves in high-level strategic decision-making, technology roadmap planning, and innovation. They play a key role in aligning technology initiatives with business objectives and future-proofing the technology stack.

Senior-level positions require a blend of advanced technical skills, leadership, strategic planning, and a deep understanding of business processes and customer needs.

Continuing education and skill enhancement

  • Professional development: Staying abreast of the latest .NET technologies, programming methodologies, and industry best practices through courses, certifications, and workshops.

  • Specializations: Diving deeper into niche areas like machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, or IoT within the .NET ecosystem can open up specialized roles and opportunities.

  • Community engagement: Participating in developer communities, contributing to open source projects, and attending conferences can enhance skills, network, and visibility in the industry.

Career progression in the .NET Full Stack Development domain is not linear and can be highly individualized, depending on personal interests, industry demands, and the evolving tech landscape. Continual learning, adaptability, and a proactive approach to career development are key to advancing and achieving long-term career goals.

Application Process

Navigating the application process for a .NET Full Stack Developer position involves several key steps, from the initial application to the follow-up. Each stage is crucial in making a strong impression and moving closer to securing the desired role.

How to apply

  • Job Portals and Company Websites: Begin by exploring job listings on popular job portals, LinkedIn, and directly on the websites of companies you're interested in. EPAM Anywhere, for example, lists various remote .NET Full Stack Developer positions with detailed job descriptions.

  • Networking: Utilize professional networks to discover opportunities and get referrals. Engaging with the .NET community through forums, local meetups, and conferences can uncover unadvertised positions.

  • Application submission: Tailor your application for each role, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences. Ensure to comply with any specific application instructions provided in the job listing.

Crafting the perfect resume and cover letter

  • Resume: Highlight your .NET Full Stack development experience, including technologies and frameworks you're proficient in, significant projects you've contributed to, and any measurable achievements. Tailor your resume to match the job description's key requirements.

  • Cover letter: Use the cover letter to tell your story, explaining why you're the ideal candidate for the role and how your experience and skills align with the company's needs and values. Be concise and to the point, making a compelling case for your candidacy.

Preparing for technical interviews

  • Technical knowledge: Be prepared to discuss your experience with .NET technologies, front-end frameworks, databases, and any other relevant tools or methodologies mentioned in your resume or the job description.

  • Coding challenges: Practice solving coding problems, as many interviews include live coding tests or take-home assignments to assess your problem-solving and coding skills.

  • System design: You may be asked to design a system or architecture, focusing on scalability, security, and performance. Be ready to articulate your thought process and justify your decisions.

  • Behavioral questions: Prepare for questions about past experiences, teamwork, challenges you've overcome, and how you stay updated with technology trends. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses.

Follow-up and feedback

  • Thank you note: Send a personalized thank you email to the interviewers within 24 hours of your interview, expressing appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the role.

  • Feedback request: If you're not selected, politely request feedback on your interview performance. This can provide valuable insights for future applications and interviews.

The application process for a .NET Full Stack Developer role requires careful preparation, from crafting a tailored resume and cover letter to excelling in technical and behavioral interviews. A proactive, thoughtful approach to each stage can significantly increase your chances of success.