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Remote Ruby on Rails Developer Jobs

EPAM Anywhere is looking for remote Ruby on Rails Developers.


Competitive compensation

We back all payments and operate in compliance with country-specific labor regulations. Your annual paycheck can range from $15k to $200k.


Numerous benefits

Make use of 1,500+ online and location-specific benefits across 30+ countries that also include healthcare and sports programs for you and your family.


Limitless career growth opportunities

Get access to a large-scale ecosystem that consists of educational and career development services created for your growth. A personal skill advisor will support you on each step of this journey.

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Spring Boot, Amazon Web Services, ReactJS


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a highly skilled Lead Java Full Stack Developer to join our remote team and work on a multi-year program to reimagine and re-platform our client's legacy application suite.


SQL, Jenkins, Docker


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Currently, we are hiring an energetic, motivated, and passionate remote Senior Python/Ruby Developer with 3+ years of development experience to lead a team of developers, control code quality, help to estimate and split stories, make decisions regarding architecture and development strategies, manage tech debt.


Amazon Web Services, ReactJS, Node.js


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a Senior JavaScript Developer to join our remote team and play a key role in development.


Spring Boot, Spring, Angular


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are looking for an experienced remote Lead Java Developer to join our team, contributing to the development and enhancement of our software solutions.


Spring Boot, Spring, Angular


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a highly skilled remote Lead Java Developer to join our team, responsible for designing, developing, and implementing applications and Microservices using Java and related technologies.


Amazon Web Services, Apache Kafka, JUnit


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a highly experienced remote Lead Java Full Stack Developer to join our team.

Microsoft SharePoint

Azure Key Vault, Azure SQL Database, Azure Static Web Apps


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a remote Senior SharePoint Developer to join our team and work on an exciting project that requires in-depth knowledge of the SharePoint admin portal and app development in the SharePoint eco-system.

iOS Swift

Objective-C, Swift


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Colombia, Mexico
Colombia, Mexico
We are seeking a remote Senior iOS Swift Developer to join our team and work on a cutting-edge mobile application.


Flask, SQL


40 hrs/week


12+ months

Currently, we are looking for a remote Senior Python Developer for a Software Company


CI/CD, Concurrency, Core Java Development


40 hrs/week


12+ months

We are seeking a Lead Java Developer to work on building upon an existing suite of Java-based quant applications used by credit traders globally.

Ruby on Rails remote jobs at EPAM Anywhere

The speed at which the Ruby (RoR) language allows one to develop has made its specialists in demand among many companies. Some people think this language is similar to Python, but the latter can work with big data, while Ruby cannot. In other aspects, RoR is convenient. A competent developer knows how to use technology to its maximum potential. However, to get a decent job, you need to take creating a resume seriously.

Knowing the list of requirements for Ruby <wbr><wbr>on Rails remote jobs will simplify this process and help you prepare for an interview.

What Ruby on Rails developers do

The first and most important task is to plan and write the code. Working in a team with other specialists, the developer must ensure that their part of the work is integrated into the overall project. Designers, frontend, and RoR developers must work together towards the goal, complementing each other's work.

RoR development is a rather narrow specialization; therefore, employers communicate the duties of employees and requirements for candidates for remote Ruby on Rails jobs clearly.

RoR developer duties

Since the specialists working with Ruby on Rails perform specific tasks, their duties do not differ much from company to company:

  1. Regulate the data flow between the user and the server.
  2. Create clean code that can be easily scaled.
  3. Create an application from scratch and bring it to the user.
  4. Update the application after launching it to end users.
  5. Test at all stages of work.
  6. Detect and eliminate problems.
  7. Integrate elements that were created by other developers from the team into the product.
  8. Work in the API.

That is, the main tasks of a developer at remote Ruby on Rails jobs are to create and connect automated application development processes with the server and develop and integrate components.

Requirements for Ruby on Rails developers

To get access to RoR remote jobs, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ability to code at a high level
  2. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer technology
  3. 2+ years of relevant experience
  4. Deep knowledge of all elements of Ruby and its libraries
  5. Use of OOP
  6. Skills in frontend development
  7. Familiarity with databases
  8. Introductory knowledge in the field of interface technologies
  9. Knowledge of CSS and template languages
  10. Knowledge of code management tools and testing
  11. Ability to create a single source from several

Personal qualities for Ruby developers

Working as part of a team, a Ruby on Rails developer must fulfill their responsibilities to their team members:

  1. Contribute to the achievement of a common goal.
  2. Draw up a complete coding plan for the entire application development cycle.
  3. Develop safe technologies.
  4. Use the minimum amount of resources at work.
  5. Have a responsible attitude toward the development of server logic.
  6. Accomplish the assigned tasks in the shortest possible time.

Demand for Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers

The demand for Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers remains robust as businesses seek agile and robust web development solutions. Remote RoR roles provide the flexibility that many developers crave, with the added benefit of contributing to diverse and dynamic projects globally. To capitalize on these opportunities, it's vital to understand the landscape of remote Ruby on Rails jobs and position oneself as the ideal candidate.

Preparing for a Remote Ruby on Rails Position

When applying for remote RoR positions, your preparation should be thorough. Follow these steps to ensure you're in the best position to be hired:

  • Tailor Your Resume: Highlight your RoR experience, emphasizing projects relevant to the job you're applying for.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio: Include links to your GitHub repository or personal website showcasing your work.
  • Stay Current: Keep up with the latest RoR updates and best practices.
  • Earn Certifications: Certifications can enhance your profile, especially for senior positions.
  • Prepare for Remote Work: Demonstrate your ability to communicate and manage projects remotely.

Top Industries Hiring Remote Ruby on Rails Developers

RoR developers are not limited to one industry. The flexibility of the framework makes it applicable to a range of sectors. The following table outlines industries with a high demand for remote RoR developers:


Application of RoR

Why RoR?

Technology Startups

Rapid development of MVPs, web applications

RoR's convention over configuration allows startups to scale quickly.


Platform development, payment processing integration

RoR supports high levels of customization and scalability, essential for e-commerce growth.


Financial data analysis tools, secure banking software

Security and data-processing capabilities are RoR's strong suits.


E-learning platforms, administrative tools

RoR can handle the integration of various media formats and data management required in education tech.

Enhancing Your Ruby on Rails Skill Set for Remote Work

To stay competitive in the remote job market, consider the following skill advancements:

  • Mastering Version Control: Proficiency in Git is a must.
  • Learning Deployment Tools: Familiarize yourself with Heroku, AWS, and Docker.
  • Database Management: Solid skills in SQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB will set you apart.
  • Test-Driven Development: Experience with RSpec, Capybara, or MiniTest.
  • Frontend Proficiencies: Although a backend technology, knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React can be extremely beneficial.

Key Attributes of Successful Remote Ruby on Rails Developers

Working remotely as an RoR developer isn't just about technical expertise; certain personal qualities define successful remote workers:

  • Self-Motivation: With no one looking over your shoulder, staying on task is critical.
  • Communication Skills: Clear communication is essential when working with cross-functional remote teams.
  • Time Management: The ability to manage time effectively and meet deadlines is imperative.
  • Adaptability: Openness to new tools, technologies, and ways of working will keep you agile and adaptable.

The ability of a professional to work as part of a team largely depends on their personal qualities. A goal-oriented, communicative, responsible developer with a desire to grow in their professional field has a good chance of getting access to Ruby on Rails telecommute jobs.